Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Knee-changes-random rant

Seems my prediction about my knee is proving to be a correct one, I felt alright yesterday, couple of stings and rather sore. But nothing that brought me down... Then so far today my knee has been silent although I feel that it is not there yet... maybe 70%... but the pain is not constant and no major pains today... so that means spinning and swimming!! Woohoo!

Just wanted to give a quick update on minor changes I have been doing on the blog. Firstly I have changes the comments system so that you don't have to be a blogger user to comment. This I do due to some friends that use different blogging systems but want to comment. The word verification will still be there as I don't want spam comments about how to grow your love muscle (got to love spam).

Also I have added in the recent weeks three new links and just want to advertise them a bit. (I´ll do them in alphabetic order as I don't want to choose between these amazing people)

Bibba-Ironwoman. This woman is simply amazing! she and her husband are simply astonishing. She became the first Icelandic woman to finish Ironman. He has finished two... He is planning to climb Mt. Everest and when they go on vacations they do ultra events just to keep things interesting... Going on a cruise but the day of departure doing the Miami Marathon is an example. They will be running around Mt. Blank this summer (she will do half). Ahh... and did I mention she is around 40 years old?? (hope that I am not to far off... am horrible judging age)
Anyways... that is not the main reason why I add her on my list, the main reason is that she is such a nice woman. We swim in the same masters swim club and we always go to the hot tub afterwards. Often sitting there way to long, just talking about triathlon and running. Even though the rest of the guys are gone she still sits there with me listening to my random thoughts and giving me great advices from her incredible experience. She is the closest thing I have to be a coach and/or mentor. Really makes it worth while struggling in the water for an hour.
She blogs daily about her activities but it is in Icelandic so that narrows down the possible readers to the 300.000 habitants of this lovely country.

Frank-rundangerously. The funny thing is that I do not know Frank at all, I don't even remember how I first came across his blog or if he found mine. But on my web surfing I often go between running blog sites... seeing who posts comments where and just go to random peoples blogs. For some reason his blog really caught me and now is a daily stop as long as I go on the internet that day. Frank runs long! he does 100 miles runs and really writes about his experiences in a human way. What I like about his blog is that he writes about a lot of random things. Books, music, training, competing... It makes me feel like I know Frank although I have, like I said, never (yet) met him. He posts alot of photos and blogs very frequently (52 blogs in march).
But like I mentioned my main reason for liking his blog so much is the personal touch. His daughter runs in shorter races and he captures those sweet family moments with great photos.

Peter-The coach. Peter was one of the first person to post a comment on my blog... after I took up blogging on this page I had been doing it kind of for my slef, not telling anyone about it. Most of my post had 0 comments and my blogs had very few visits. Then visits started to grow a little and suddenly this very nice running coach from the US started posting comments on my blog. I started reading his blog and find it an essential stop on my blog reading circle. He is helping people reach their goals of running their first 10km races and/or half marathons. His experience and many years of running shine through his calm personal way of describing races and training and the pride he takes in his "students" achievements is obvious. He volunteers when is is not running him self and all in all seems to be an incredibly nice human being.

Although I haven't met Frank nor Peter I am pretty sure that in this world of opportunities that the opportunity will come along and I will enjoy a nice sunday run with them, race or not. Bibba I do meet all the time and will continue to do so for as long as we live in the same continent.

So at this point I should stop bloging, but I like disconnected random rants going from one to the other so I will continue and tell you about my bike situation. I own a bike, I own a one year old bike, I own a pretty good bike, I own a useless bike for triathlons. I bought a street bike just over a year ago. Not a mountainbike but not a racer. I might had used a street bike this summer for my first three triathlons but as I used my bike all last winter (I own winter tires for my bike) The whole chain and the pedaling has bacome heavy and energy consuming. I thought that was just the way biking was supposed to be and that I was just a bad biker, and I had to train super hard. But then I tried biking on a racer... and what a blizz! the ease and the speed! The comfort goes down, yes, but I am not racing or training to be comfortable. I have a very nice bed that I can be in to be comfortable.

Anyways... I became really exciting about getting myself a racer, but as I am still paying back for two years of travelling and living abroad I simply can't buy one untill next fall... so what to do, what to do... I have a half ironman scheduled in june and when biking 90km I really dont want to be slugging along on my ironclad horse.

Then the saviour appeared... well actually there are two of them... but it is kind of cause and effect... without the cause there would be no effect, but the effect is what brings the result... the cause is once again Bibba. As we were sitting in the hot tub, I was pondering on my bike situation and she told be about a bike that might be available... and that Gísli the organizer of my first marathon had it. She told me he had an old but functional racer and that she believed he wasn't using it as he had a new one. At least that I should contact him and check it out.

So I did, I sent him an e-mail, shortly explaining my situation and asked if he could borrow it to me, rent it for the summer or sell it cheap... I got the answer right away, and in the spirit of marathon runners he was more than willing to help. I can borrow his bike for a while, see how it works and fits and then we will see how it goes... A true champion there! I haven't seen the bike but apparently it is a 20 year old racer that has taken Gísli through many triathlons so I hope its experience can help me take me through my first :)

Will write more about it after I try it. The last random and totally unconnected thought that I will scribble down in this long and totally un-understandable blog is that yesterday I checket my blog and the tracker I have that tracks where people are coming from showed me that out of the last 10 people seeing my blog only 2 were in Iceland. The other 8 spanned 3 continents and 5 countries... that I find really cool... incredible how technology has changed the world. Only 20 years ago I would be wirting these thoughts to my self, but now anyone, anywhere, anytime can tap into this madness and probably feel much better about their own sanity.


Anonymous said...

Úffff það verður hátt fall ofan af þessum stalli, Tómas
:| (roðn)

Tomas said...

Ha ha... aðeins þeir sem þora að falla komast á toppinn :)
Annars held ég að ég hafi nú bara talið upp hóflega mikið af afrekunum þínum... svona mun kynningin geta hljómað þegar þú ferð að halda fyrirlestrana :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the knee is getting better!

Today's technology is's cool to see that people around the globe are reading :)

jen said...

Hi Tomas, thanks for visiting my blog! I'm just checking yours out for the first time but I'll be back. :)

I know exactly what you mean about your street bike feeling difficult. I also have a bike like that- a "hybrid" (moutain bike/road bike) that I've had for about a year. I've done 2 sprint triathlons on it and people just fly by me like I"m standing still. I thought I was just a crappy cylist, but my husband told me it is completely different on a fast road bike. I haven't yet tried one, but I'm planning on buying one next month after I finish the Boston Marathon and start training for my first Half Ironman Tri. I cannot wait! Maybe I'm a good cyclist after all!!

Sorry this is so long- keep up the great training and good luck with your knee! Talk to you soon.

peter said...

Such nice things to say about me, I'll have to try to live up to them! If I ever get to Iceland, we'll run together (I've always wanted to go there, my brother was stationed there in the Marines in the 80s and liked it--he snuck around town after hours wearing a wig b/c I guess servicemen aren't allowed in the bars in the evening), and if you get to DC, well, I'll take you on a run around the monuments and bridges and Potomac River. It's a great city for running.

Tomas said...

Jen- Wow... I dream of finishing the Boston Marathon... it is actually on my 2010 goals list. And yes, racing bikes make life easier and us mortals look more talented :)

Peter- You should definetly come to Iceland if you get the chance, I'll show you around... and I am going to come back to DC at some point, pretty sure about that... :)